
2023年1月4日—IusedWinaeroTweaker1.40tochangethefontsforIcons,Menus,etc.Thatworkedfine.ThenIchangetheSystemFont,andtheWORLDENDED.,2017年9月7日—Well,openwinaerotweaker.gotothesystemfontoption.clickonthe“resetthispagetodefaults”onthetoolbar.restarttheos.thiswill ...,2021年10月11日—UsingWinaeroTweaker.Downloadtheappandinstallit.Intheleftpane,changethefontsizeusingoptionsforwindowtitles,messages,me...

HELP Winaero Tweaker has damaged my Win11 system

2023年1月4日 — I used Winaero Tweaker 1.40 to change the fonts for Icons, Menus, etc. That worked fine. Then I change the System Font, and the WORLD ENDED.

How to Change System Font in Windows 10

2017年9月7日 — Well, open winaero tweaker. go to the system font option. click on the “reset this page to defaults” on the toolbar. restart the os. this will ...

How to Change Text Size in Windows 11

2021年10月11日 — Using Winaero Tweaker. Download the app and install it. In the left pane, change the font size using options for window titles, messages, menus, ...

Identifying my system font

It shows up for me and I have never installed any additional fonts. I just use the ones provided with windows. Identifying my system font-winaero-tweaker.jpg.

Modifying Default Windows 11 System Font

2022年12月4日 — Modifying Default Windows 11 System Font ... Winaero Tweaker is an app that allows for easy application of various hacks for Windows - where ...

Seemingly irreversible system font change after using ...

2021年1月5日 — Wanted to change my system font, so I used Winaero Tweaker to do so after seeing positive things said about it. I did successfully change my ...

Winaero Tweaker

Winaero Tweaker. The ultimate all-in-one app for tuning Windows 11, Windows 10 ... There you can adjust the font of icons in Explorer and on Desktop. Also ...

Winaero Tweaker軟體無法更改win10所有字型大小

2020年11月12日 — 因為win10更新後,無法更改個別字體大小,所以我上網搜尋了一個軟體Winaero Tweaker設定後有些字體是有變大了,但是某些地方的字體還是沒有改變, ...

【軟體推薦】Windows 預設字體不清晰? Winaero Tweaker 6個 ...

2022年7月29日 — Winaero Tweaker 的介面雖然是英文,但使用上十分簡單,只要修改後面就不需要再重新設定,除非是重新安裝系統或是系統有重大更新,只要依照文章內重新再 ...